What would an effective, genuine investigation reveal?
This is an articulate letter from a dear friend of ours. He has been a tireless advocate for revealing the true facts of the 9-11 events.
Ms. Elisa Massimino
Human Rights First
100 Maryland Ave, Suite 500
Washington DC 20002
Dear Ms. Massimino,
As an organization who stands for Human Rights, it's vitally important that you get to the facts and cut through the propaganda.
Any trial about 9/11 MUST include individuals ALIVE today who we know have evidence pointing to them. They must answer obvious questions about their behaviour, knowledge, decisions and profits. These individuals include 7 of the accused 19 hijackers, who were known to be alive AFTER 9/11, GW Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld who stated publicly that flight 93 was shot down, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Manetta, Rice, Tenet, Zelikow, navy pilots who stated that flight 93 was shot down, firefighters who witnessed explosions in the towers, WTC owner Larry Silverstein who stated that WTC building 7 was "pulled", and was not hit by a plane, and others. It should also include expert witness testimony of scientists about how steel frame buildings, for the first time in world history, collapsed supposedly due to fire.
And a very interesting investigation would include the manifests of the United and American flights (which do not contain the names of the accused hijackers), material evidence from the claimed "crash" site in Pennsylvania (which does not exist), plane parts from the craft that hit the Pentagon to identify what kind of craft actually hit it, all video footage from FBI confiscated cameras around the Pentagon, explanations of bin Laden's CIA involvement and why the US military was taking care of him in a US military hospital, and why Mohammed Atta was paid $100,000 by the Pakistani ISI (aka CIA), and why the head of Pakistan's spy agency Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Ahmad was in the US the week before the 9/11 attacks meeting with CIA and Pentagon officials.
Please do NOT support these SHOW TRIALS.
But PLEASE DO support real investigations of 9/11!
Thank you!
Mark Banks
Redmond, WA