Friday, April 23, 2010

What would an effective, genuine investigation reveal?

This is an articulate letter from a dear friend of ours.  He has been a tireless advocate for revealing the  true facts of the 9-11 events.

Ms. Elisa Massimino
Human Rights First
100 Maryland Ave, Suite 500
Washington DC 20002

Dear Ms. Massimino,

Thank you for your email about the 9/11 trials.

As an organization who stands for Human Rights, it's vitally important that you get to the facts and cut through the propaganda.

Any trial about 9/11 MUST include individuals ALIVE today who we know have evidence pointing to them.  They must answer obvious questions about their behaviour, knowledge, decisions and profits.   These individuals include 7 of the accused 19 hijackers, who were known to be alive AFTER 9/11, GW Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld who stated publicly that flight 93 was shot down, Ashcroft, Wolfowitz, Manetta, Rice, Tenet, Zelikow, navy pilots who stated that flight 93 was shot down, firefighters who witnessed explosions in the towers, WTC owner Larry Silverstein who stated that WTC building 7 was "pulled", and was not hit by a plane, and others.  It should also include expert witness testimony of scientists about how steel frame buildings, for the first time in world history, collapsed supposedly due to fire.  

And a very interesting investigation would include the manifests of the United and American flights (which do not contain the names of the accused hijackers), material evidence from the claimed "crash" site in Pennsylvania (which does not exist), plane parts from the craft that hit the Pentagon to identify what kind of craft actually hit it, all video footage from FBI confiscated cameras around the Pentagon, explanations of bin Laden's CIA involvement and why the US military was taking care of him in a US military hospital, and why Mohammed Atta was paid $100,000 by the Pakistani ISI (aka CIA), and why the head of Pakistan's spy agency Lt. Gen. Mahmoud Ahmad was in the US the week before the 9/11 attacks meeting with CIA and Pentagon officials.

Please do NOT support these SHOW TRIALS.

But PLEASE DO support real investigations of 9/11!

Thank you!

Mark Banks
Redmond, WA

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Zeitgeist, the Movie that may shift your paradigm of reality

What do Christianity, 911 and The Federal Reserve all have in common? Watch this movie and
consider the possibilities. It is created in 3 parts, each one dealing with one of the themes mentioned above, and linking them all together to explain the mess we are in.
It begins with the way out: recognition of our innate Oneness.

If you have any trouble with that try:

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Too Many Credible Voices to Discredit Them All

The following information is excerpted from the website
"Want to Know . Info" (web address listed below). It is only one of
many statements from extremely credible people, some of whom served under the current Bush Administration, his father, and Ronald Reagan. I urge you to find out more at the web site.

Paul Craig Roberts, PhD – Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury under Ronald Reagan. "Father of Reaganomics." Former Associate Editor of the Wall Street Journal. Currently Chairman of the Institute for Political Economy and Research Fellow at the Independent Institute.
Essay: "We know that it is strictly impossible for any building, much less steel columned buildings, to 'pancake' at free fall speed. Therefore, it is a non-controversial fact that the official explanation of the collapse of the WTC buildings is false."
Essay: "There are not many editors eager for writers to explore the glaring defects of the 9/11 Commission Report. One would think that if the report could stand analysis, there would not be a taboo against calling attention to the inadequacy of its explanations."

Web site: Want to Know.Info

Thursday, April 13, 2006

The Great Deception

How to stop the Bush Administration from Invading Iran, and threatening the use of nuclear weapons: expose their complicity in the events of 9-11.

Not one of our allies is behind them this time, as the Bush Administration makes plans for invading Iran, not even Britain. British Foreign Secretary Jack Straw said there is no compelling evidence to warrent immediate action against Iran. Yet plans proceed, using arguments almost identical to the lies used to invade Iraq. We are already at war on two fronts, Afghanistan and Iraq, and are driving the national debt ever deeper. Now they speak of using nuclear weapons in Iran.

Are you convinced of the insanity and recklessness of their approach yet? Are you ready to take meaningful, non-violent action to stop any new invasions from taking place?

For those of you who are still not convinced that the Bush team played a role in 9-11, I urge you to check out "The Great Deception" from the King County Library. This video, subtitled "The War On Terrorism, An Alternative View", features media critic Barrie Zwicker, host of VisionTV Insight: Mediafile. Mr. Zwicker articulates previous examples where the US government has used elaborate lies and hoaxes in order to draw us into conflicts they deemed desireable and profitable, establishing precedence for the possibility of complicity in 9-11. Please view this video, and / or "Loose Change" (note link to the right of this post), and then do what you can do, if you feel so compelled, to take action and stop this madness before it goes any farther.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Asking questions around the world

Americans are not the only people asking serious questions about the official 911 story. The following link is to a Danish web site, with articles translated in English offered with a link on the right of the home page. Physicists, journalists, and military weapons experts give their views on why the official account cannot be accurate.

Naturally, we do not want to even ask the questions this (and other credible) research leads us to:

If the official account is full of holes, then what really happened? And why has the Bush Administration and many others gone to such lengths to mislead / lie to us?

A common sense approach to any real investigation would follow the money and power trail, right? And where would that lead us?

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Are You Willing To Know The Whole Story?

When I tell people I do not believe the official government story of 911, and that in fact, I believe members of our own government helped orchestrate it, reactions tend to fall into two catagories:
1) disbelief, confusion, dismissal, and/or sometimes anger
2) heavy sighs, and comments such as "That's what I believe, too."

My husband and I are deeply disturbed by what we consider the gaping holes and incongruencies in the Official Story. We believe our government has constructed a
"Conspiracy Theory" which is simply not believable or verifyable, yet most Americans
have bought it, or are choosing to keep quiet about their doubts. To be sure, it is extremely
upsetting to imagine our own government played a hand in the attrocities of the 911 attacks.
I simply ask you to investigate further. If we have doubts, isn't it our duty as citizens of this
sometimes great democracy to investigate? Can we afford to remain silent and unquestioning?
What example are we setting for our children?

The following link takes you to a documentary film called "September 11: Loose Change". We feel it is a powerful summary of the basic unanswered questions surrounding the attacks we have all been witness to. I encourage you to watch it, and compare this information to what we have been directed to believe. Share your reactions with others, and discuss your observations, even if you are convinced that the official story holds true. I do not claim to have absolute proof, or all the answers, but I choose not to be silent about my doubts; this is too important for all of us.
And thanks, for your time and thought.

From Truth to Transformation: South Africa

Clearly we have already received all the information we are likely to get from the government of George W Bush, mostly in the form of the 911 Commission report.
And indeed, if information implicating the government's hand in the attacks became
verifyable publicly, what effect would it have on our citizenry? Would it create chaos and do more harm than good?
An alternative to established legal systems, which are often influenced or controlled by the political elite, is the Truth and Reconciliation process. While it is also imperfect in its form and limitations, this kind of process might be beneficial in the case of the 911 attacks, and their aftermath. The following is an excerpt from an interesting and very readable article on Truth Commissions. I hope you find it useful.
Web address for the full article:

From Truth to Transformation: South Africa's Truth and Reconciliation Commission

by Brandon Hamber & Steve Kibble

Truth commissions

"As a result (*of show trials which have done little to bring forth full disclosure of human rights violations and actions of governments against their own people), since the early 1980s the concept of the truth commission has gained prominence as a mechanism for elucidating history and addressing human rights violations. Argentina's National Commission on the Disappearance of Persons 1983-84 began the process, and the 1993 report of the UN Commission on the Truth in El Salvador, From Madness to Hope, sharpened the focus on truth recovery processes. There have been at least 15 truth commissions since 1971.

The South African TRC is a sophisticated truth recovery process. It began its first hearings in April 1996 in East London in South Africa's Eastern Cape chosen because it was the site of intense repression in the 1970s and 1980s. It was also the home of Steve Biko who died in police detention in 1977. The TRC has attracted extensive national and international attention. This is partly because of its scale, reflected in the sheer number of cases it dealt with and the resources at the commission's disposal.

It is also partly a reflection of the high international profile of the struggle against apartheid. But more importantly perhaps, the TRC has also thrown into sharp relief the widely divergent issues and conflicting interests that require balancing in a process of political transformation. It is the first commission to deal practically with amnesty as a compromise between the polar opposites of blanket amnesty and judicial prosecution.

In the words of the TRC's chair Archbishop Desmond Tutu, the commission represents a compromise 'between those who want amnesia and those who want retribution'. It has also come under the international spotlight because it has tried to learn and incorporate lessons from the strengths and weaknesses of other truth commissions. "

* This statement is my own summary of previous paragraphs in the article